• To log in to your account, simply go to the login page and select the options. lankatik account via Facebook, click on "Continue with Facebook" and follow the instructions. Otherwise, click on "Continue with Google".
  • To log out of your account, simply click the "Logout" option. 

  • Click the add new button to post your advertisement free

On lankatik.com posting an advertisement is free and just 4 easy steps. 

  • Chose the category
  • Fill the all details  in the basic info section
  • Add your property images
  • Fill in your property information

  • Type your property  name in the title box
  • Align your property details  in the Description box
  • Select your property condition
  • Chose the sale type (for rent or sale)  and mention your property price
  • Select your District and mention your street address and put your mobile number.


  • Go to Drafts and select the edit button if you want to edit your advertisement or if you want to delete the advertisement click the delete option 

  • Go to the Language option and select your language

Due to one of the following reasons, your advertisement might not be live:

  • It will be noted on your My Products/Drafts page under "Ads under review" that it is still being reviewed.
  • It might have broken one of our policy guidelines. If your ad has to be amended before it can be published, it will be listed under Drafts on your My Products.
  • If you have waited more than 24 hours for a response from us, it's possible that you provided the incorrect contact information when you submitted the advertisement. post once again, or contact us

  • Your advertisement will appear on the site for a period of one month unless you delete them

         We don't allow ads that contain:

  • an item or service that is illegal in Sri Lanka
  • an item or service that is not located in Sri Lanka
  • an invalid phone number or email address
  • an unrealistic offer
  • offensive language
  • offensive pictures
  • text in the title or description that is not related to the advertised item or service
  • pictures that do not match or clearly show the advertised item or service
  • text in the first picture (except logos and product codes)
  • a non-specific item or service, e.g. a description of a company in general terms
  • a URL link that is not relevant to the advertised item or service
  • offers and requests for items or services in the same ad
  • same content as another ad, re-published within 7 days.
  • multiple items in the same ad
  • counterfeit goods, knockoffs, or replica versions of another company’s product
  • In addition, once the ad is posted, the product or service in the ad cannot be changed.

  • There are several ways to type in Tamil and Sinhala, including:
    • Download Google Input Tools
    • Copy and paste the text onto Lankatik after using an internet keyboard, such as or Google Transliteration for Tamil  Google Transliteration for Tamil.
    • A smartphone app may make it feasible for some mobile phone users to access a Sinhala or Tamil keyboard

  • Below the advertisement you can see the seller number click to contact

  • Click the share with your friend's option and  select the WhatsApp icon

  • Select Chose from brands option

  • Select Chose from your district option

In order for the Site to provide a useful service, it is important for lantatik to collect, use, and share personal information. You specifically consent to such collection, use, and sharing of personal information in order for the Site to provide the service, which is used by you.

lankatik shall collect and store the name, telephone number, email address, and other contact information, computer sign-on data, statistics on page views, traffic to and from lankatik, and response to advertisements and other information, including but not limited to users' IP address and standard web log information.

lankatik may disclose personal information to respond to legal requirements and to respond to claims that a posting or other content violates other's rights, or to protect anyone's rights, property, or safety.

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If at any time the user or advertiser wishes to modify or alter personal information or images, the user or advertiser shall log into the account and do the needful.

The Site makes use of Display of   Advertising and uses Remarketing technology with Google Analytics to advertise online. Third-party vendors, including Google, may show ads of Lankatik on various websites across the Internet, using first-party cookies and third-party cookies together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on past visits to Lankatik.

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  • Click the forget password option and put your valid email address. Lanka tik will send the new link to your email address click that Link and create your new password.