Why Your Laptop Is Slow and How to Fix It

Why Your Laptop Is Slow and How to Fix It

From our smartphones to our laptops, slowdowns can occur for a number of reasons that may have nothing to do with the way you use your device at all. 
Why is my laptop so slow?
Your laptop may begin to lag or stop responding altogether as you load up more files, apps, and programs on it. Although these problems don't appear right away, continued use, taxing software updates, and aging computer components can slow down your laptop over time and degrade its performance, making it more difficult to carry out daily tasks.
These common causes of computer slowdown could be the reason behind your laptop’s poor performance. They are:
•    You have an overzealous startup
•    You’re out of memory
•    Your laptop has a virus
•    Your laptop is too old
•    Your hard drive is full
•    Your browser is overloaded
How to speed up your laptop?
Make your laptop faster with a few simple steps.
•    Restart your laptop
•    Check the memory
•    Make space on your hard drive
•    Close unnecessary browser windows
•    Limit background programs
•    Scan for malware and viruses
What to do if nothing works?
If you’ve had enough of your laptop’s crashes and drowsiness, a laptop service center in your area might be able to help. It can save you a lot of time, money, and stress!
Simply take your device to the professionals there and inquire. A skilled technician can examine your device for any flaws that may be slowing it down. They should also be able to fix your laptop for you.

If you would like more help deciding which laptop to buy, don’t hesitate to contact us: www.lankatik.com. lankatik can help you find the perfect machine for your needs and budget, as well as help you with everything from your new computer setup, to your home network setup and your small business IT support needs.